Buying Clothes For New Born Babies

Buying Clothes For New Born Babies

Imagine the moment of birth. Your new born child has finally entered the world and the midwife has gently set her into your awaiting arms. Before long, your bundle of joy will be growing, and as all parents know, clothing a new born baby is an expensive business as they quickly outgrow or destroy each new garment. Dressing a child can therefore be a highly stressful experience. Both in terms of time required, and the expenses incurred. This article will share five essential secrets for dressing your baby and will therefore reduce your stress and save you money. If you aren't the first among your peers to have a baby, the chances are that your fellow child bearing friends will have spare clothes that their children will have outgrown. Don't feel too shy to ask around for old clothes, as other parents will often be more than pleased to help, as they'll understand the financial difficulties that you may be going through.

Go To Car Boot Sales and Garage Sales

Garage sales and car boot sales are often advertised on the internet or local libraries. These can provide great deals, as fellow parents run out of space for storing outgrown clothes, and seek to make a little extra cash.

Buy In Bulk

Always look for sales, and particularly multipacks. Your new born baby may need up to ten bodysuits if she's particularly messy. Babies Don't Like Having Things Pulled Over Their Heads Having something pulled over their head by large hands can be disconcerting for babies, and many do not like it. Avoid tears by choosing clothes that open from the front or side, or that have wide neck openings.

Go Big

Babies grow quickly, so if you buy big clothes they'll last longer. Also, babies will find it harder to complain if clothes are too tight and chaff in certain areas. So safe loose clothing is safer. Get A "Wearable Blanket" Sleeper Wearable blankets can't be kicked off by your love one. If you've ever pushed a baby in a pram, you'll know how infuriating it is when the baby kicks the blanket on the dirt floor. Save yourself time and stress by getting her a wearable blanket.

Go Online

There are amazing offers for baby clothes sites such as eBay and amazon.

Wash Before use

Where ever you get your baby's clothes from, remember to wash them before first use. This will prevent skin irritation.

Buy Unisex

If you are planning on having more babies in the future, buy unisex clothes. This will allow you to use them for your next baby whether they are a boy or girl. While baby boys won't immediately complain about being dressed in pink skirts, they may take exception to it at a later date when you show his baby photos to his future girlfriends.

Check The Size Tags

Clothes are sold by month, but also have a weight and height range. Babies vary greatly in size, so base your purchase on the height and range of your baby, not its age in months.

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